Help for Newbies (FAQs)

We have answers to the most common questions our customers have about our online pharmacy. If you have a question that isn’t answered here, feel free to contact us. We’re happy to help.

Q: What is an online pharmacy?

A: An online pharmacy is a pharmacy that provides services to customers anywhere in the world.

Q: Can I buy drugs without prescription?

A: No, you cannot buy prescription medications over the internet without a prescription. The same is true for most over-the-counter medications as well. Buying a drug without a prescription means that you don’t know what the drug is going to do for you, how it will react with your other medications or if it’s even safe to take.

Q How long is the drug delivery?

A: Depending on the medication, your delivery may take one day, one week, or one month. We also offer expedited delivery options for those who need their medications quickly.

Q: Can I ask you contact my doctor?

A: Yes, you can ask us to contact your doctor if you need to discuss a prescription, dosage, or alternative way to manage your pain.

Q: Are generic (OTC) drugs the same as brand name drugs?

A: The same active ingredient is in both generic and brand name prescription medications, but the manufacturing process and the way the product is packaged may be different. Some generics are made exactly the same as the original brand-name drugs. Others are bio-identical and work just as well. Please consult with your doctor to determine if this type of medication is right for you.

Q: What if my package is damaged or lost?

A: We’re committed to delivering your medications on time and in good condition. Please let us know if your package arrives damaged or is missing an item. We’ll do our best to help you fix the problem. The best way to do this is to contact us as soon as possible.

Q: What are the payment options?

A: Advance pharmacy accept all common payment methods, such as debit and credit cards. The payment options that are available now may change without notice, so please contact us first. To learn more about our payment options, get in touch with our staff members online.